5. Deli Meat Line

Back in the days, when I was younger and didn't know any better, I always do my grocery shopping on Sunday. The store is always packed. Then I always have to wait in line to get some deli meat; It takes forever...But somehow there are at least a couple of cute ladies waiting in line too. Definitely talk to them to get out of your boredom; It's much better than checking your phone every 30 seconds pretending you have some text. Don't forget, they're as bored as you waiting in line trying to get their meat.
4. Plant Nursery

Women love flowers, gardening, plants, etc. Plant nursery is definitely the place to go to meet women. If you are like me, you're probably clueless about plants, which make this place perfect to go to. You totally should ask questions about gardening to start a conversation. Most of the customers and store clerks are very knowledgeable about gardening. Ask them stuff like how often do you need to water a certain plant, how much sunlight does it need to get, where to plant them, etc. You could also ask about plants that are easy to maintain to be put in your house. This would make her thinks that you're different and more mature than other young males who got no plants in their house. See if they have Japanese Peace Lily (Yea, totally heard about this plant from the movie Hot Fuzz) and then ask if they're easy to maintain.
3. Dog Park

It's a common sense... women adore dogs. There's no dog park near where you live? Just walk to a nearby park. Don't have a dog? Borrow your friend's or neighbor's and walk their dog. You probably would see some familiar faces after the third time you went there, arrange a play-date for your dogs and a date for yourself.
2. Ikea

If you're in college, summer is the best time to go to Ikea. Why? Freshmen needs to furnish their dorm room, sophomores need to furnish their apartment/house for the fall before school started. I actually met an ex from Ikea.
If you're more mature, go to Home Sense. Pretty much the same as Ikea, but a lot of graduating seniors who actually got a job and can afford to move out of their parents house to rent an apartment/house go to Home Sense.
1. Sephora

I was walking around with one of my really good friend and she said she need something from Sephora (a cosmetic store). She said, she'll go later, but since we're there, I told her why not just go in there already? Guess what I found?! TONNES of GORGEOUS WOMEN. I was so shocked, not because of the amount of women I found there, but because of why I didn't think of going to this store before. What makes this place even more brilliant to go to is, there are barely any guys that go to this store. I LITERALLY saw two other guys in the store (one was gay and the other one was dragged by his girlfriend there), so you don't have any competition in that store. Don't be surprised by the amount of ladies checkin you out in the store. They'll probably trying to figure out whether you're gay or not...
You'd ask why would a single straight guy walk into a cosmetic store full of girls, right? Actually they have one wall that's dedicated for men's cologne, after shave, face product, and other stuff. Trust me on this one. Just go in, look for the men's section, go straight there, check out some cologne, then once there's a woman come close to you, ask her opinion on which cologne smells better, etc. Another reason to go to this store is that women loves men who take care of themselves and treat their body right; it shows them that if they take care of their body well, they will take care of her well too.
The bottom line is, it doesn't matter where you meet them. Just be confident and ask questions what do they think about some stuff. Women likes to talk, so make sure you listen to what they're saying instead of showing off what you do. Always be courteous and respectful when you approach them. Nobody wants to hang out with a rude and ill-mannered person.
p.s. The public transit is probably one of the worst places to meet women (No, I don't know this from experience).
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