Friday, March 12, 2010


People exaggerate too much when they're trying to describe something

Example 1: "I'm having a HUGGGGGEEEEE party for my birthday, you should come. It's gonna be fun and lots of people" So we went there to check it out, there were six other people showed is this "HUGGGGGEEEEE"? Regardless...we all still had fun..kinda.

Example 2: Overheard
Person 1: Dude! You missed out an EPIC Saturday night with us last night!
Person 2: Oh yea? What did you guys do?
Person 1: We stayed in, played Call of Duty, then we got bored, went to a corner store to get some beef jerky, their beef jerky were on sale. We also bought some other munchies. On our way there we found $10. Made a detour to grab some...Went back to our place and watched The Cove.
Person 1: Where's the Epic part?
Person 2: We found 10 bucks on our way to the convenient store!

Example 3: Cookies
Person 1: Hey, person 2 just baked us the most amazing cookies I've ever eaten in my life. EVER.
Me: (after I chowed down the cookie) This is pretty good, person 2. How did you make it?
Person 2: Pillsbury. I just put it on a cookie sheet and bake it.

These are just a little examples of exaggeration I get to hear every day. Because of these people, there are a lot of skeptics out there who would questions if a certain fact really is true as described. Yes, I'm one of them. Whenever I hear people describe something to be great, I have to see it myself to believe it. Sometimes you just have to know who you talk to when they describe something to believe them and then adjust your expectation accordingly. This sucks if you just met that person or if you don't know them that well. You can't really expect whether the said things were true or not.

With all the exaggerations people mention, people who don't exaggerate are always frustrated when other people don't believe them because they think they're exaggerating. I don't exaggerate (barely ever); that's why I find it very frustrating when I describe something really awesome and people don't believe me because they think I exaggerate it.
Example 1: One time I met this girl who has MASSIVE boobs that are probably as big as watermelons. I then told a friend about her and he didn't believe me. He thought ok, maybe they're big, but not that big. Until one day he met her himself and he finally believed me and said "I thought you were exaggerating".

Example 2: Summer Concert years ago
Friend: Man, how was the concert last night?
Me: It was super awesome man, I was at the very front, against the barricade from start to finish. Got squished...It was amazing to be that close to the band. Crappy thing was I gotta worked hard to stayed up front from people trying to get to the front and take ove my spot. At the end of the night my clothes got so soaked like someone pushed me into a pool (gross, I know) and my t-shirt got ripped too
Friend: I don't believe you, you can't be that wet
Me: Find, come over to my house and see my clothes from last night if you don't believe me. I still haven't washed it yet.
My friend checked the clothes out himself and finally believe how soaked it was.

So yea...people need to stop exaggerating stuff. It's so annoying when I tell some really cool stuff and they don't believe me because they thought I exaggerate and it's annoying when I don't know you well enough to guess whether you exaggerate stuff or not.

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