1. 160 character limits instead of 140
Sometimes when you're out somewhere doing exciting activities and you want to share your experience with your followers. However this activity is too exciting for you to go on the mobile web to access Twitter or access your Tweetdeck, because if you do you'll end up reading your Twitter feed. So you just update your twitter via text message. The standard text message limit is 160 characters instead of the Twitter 140 character limit. Your tweet will get cut off if you're not aware you pass the 140 character limit.

2. Wall-to-wall feature like Facebook
Sometimes you have to dig deep into your friend's twitter page just to find his/her @reply to you. I know you can just type in @(yourownusername) in the search box, but that only shows recent @replies.

3. Mutual followers/followees
This is mostly to eliminate unecessary Follow Friday, especially if they have the same people every week.

4. Search functions to find followers/followees instead of having to go through the whole list of follower/followees
It's very inconvenient to go through the whole list of people you follow just to find one person. Yes, you can type in twitter.com/theirusername in your browser, but that's inconvenient. What if you forgot how to spell their username?

5. Auto-complete for @replies
This is important so people don’t have to memorize how to type their followers’ twitter name. Especially if their twitter handles include alphabets, numeric characters, and underscores.

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